What makes Hawaiian Hurricane Group's Homeowners insurance so different?
Maximum Flexibility
Maximum Flexibility of Coverage Limits & Deductible Options allowing customized coverage for Hawaiian homeowners, ensuring they obtain all the coverage they need without paying for what they don’t. The outdated Forced use of coverage percentages is over at HHG/HMF resulting in enhanced coverage and superior pricing!
Unrivaled Attention to Detail
Utilization of HHG’s unique and heavily researched Feature Underwriting & Rating Approach (FURA) creates a more detailed understanding of your home. Underwriting and rating are focused on the details that matter, no matter the age of the home. The outdated and often unfair use of ‘Age of Home’ as a primary rating criteria is over here at HHG!
Ordinance & Law Enhanced Coverage
Ordinance & Law Enhanced Coverage through mitigation, without a separate surcharge, of Ordinance & Law exclusion when carrying Replacement Cost coverage. This mitigation eliminates a serious and uniquely Hawaiian exposure. The O&L exclusion does not belong in policies issued in HI where ubiquitous codes were not prevalent until 2007 or later. It was designed for the Mainland. Let it stay there! Why is this important?
Peace of Mind
Financial Strength and Security with one of the world’s largest and financially strong Insurance Companies. With an AM Best “A” rating, our customers can rest assured that Hyundai Marine & Fire (US Branch) and Hawaiian Hurricane Group will be here when they need us most.